Under Armour filing a trademark for Emmanuel Mudiay without notifying him beforehand could mean that they are hiding a big secret. Could they be surprising him with a signature sneaker?
This week has been quite an interesting one for starting point guard Emmanuel Mudiay. It started with ESPN’s Darren Rovell tweeting an image which he claimed to be Under Armour’s new logo for Mudiay.
Under Armour has filed to trademark what looks to be a logo for endorser Emmanuel Mudiay pic.twitter.com/Y6rt1WWswf
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) July 28, 2016
In the following hours, the logo was heavily criticized by the public citing an eerily similar resemblance to a swastika. A sacred symbol for the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain culture meant to represent good fortune or well-being. Unfortunately, it was also used as symbol to represent Nazi Germany in the years of WWII.
But then Emmanuel Mudiay tweeted out something very interesting.
Sir, idk where you got that information from @darrenrovell but that is not my logo
— Emmanuel Mudiay (@emmanuelmudiay) July 29, 2016
According to Mudiay, this wasn’t his logo and he had no idea where Darren Rovell got that image. But wait, there’s more. Rovell took to twitter to clarify his tweet with this response.
it was recently filed by under Armour to the us patent & trademark office. Per they they didn't show it to you yet.
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) July 29, 2016
So apparently, it is in fact Under Armour’s new logo for Mudiay yet he wasn’t notified. Why?
Well it could mean nothing at all, or it could mean that UA has big plans with its partnership with Mudiay. Even possibly a signature shoe.
Next: Why it makes sense for Under Armour