It seems as if almost every baller wants to be a rapper, and vice-versa. However, becoming the other is impossible, but the skills from can still be mirrored in the other.
This week on Wardell’s Take we’ll be discussing a culture which has been tied to basketball since Kurtis Blow rapped about it being his favorite sport. We’ll (by we I mean myself, Curtis Edge, Matthew Huff and Nathan Beighle) be talking about hip hop and the Nuggets.
More specifically, we’ll be comparing a few of the Nuggets’ players to a rapper who we feel best represents the player.
We all have unique reasoning for each comparison, including a mirroring in their rise, aggression, skill and various other reasons which we hope you’ll enjoy.
Finally, we know that each comparison in objective and we also realize that you may disagree with whichever rapper we match up with each Nugget. If you disagree, we urge you to either leave a comment or begin a conversation with whichever writer made the comparison.
You can make such conversation through Twitter (our handles are on each slide).